the beautiful night

the beautiful night

The lights began to show its strength shine in every city life
And the colors seen on the street illuminated at every corners in the city
People passing by many to get or seek money
entertainment and whatever else we can do to enjoy the night that was so challenging
Do not you feel dizzy brain aching bodies let us eliminate
because this night was very beautiful to make anyone not be able to stay at home
watch TV or watch what the same friend or OO'nya
I do not care and think about it I better enjoy it because ...
Tonight is filled with beautiful colors that decorate the corners of the city always
It's a beautiful night with the always illuminating angle cahya city
Five minutes past eight o'clock is a very appropriate time tuk out of the house
and went to continue somehow stepped foot anywhere
Kujajaki street by street to enjoy my tuk sank because all
people were just happy I can not bear to see them just one-one
passed away and

From pdad are guy like Pinocchio mending the disco haa ... rah-rah to the disco days
This happens because tonight a beautiful night with my friends
Smoking joking and laughing off ...
Tonight is filled with beautiful colors that decorate the corners of the city always
It's a beautiful night with cahya pehuh always illuminate corners of the city
Start festive gala party everywhere because everyone was
have fun celebrating

anything to fill this wonderful evening began noisy music
bothered bothered invited to immediately sway hai yo LD, CD, cassette and TV
that always accompany our
</meta>Sedihpun issued a miracle to make people so happy and sad
he would not disturb a calm person so that all finished laughing merrily as
This night was very beautiful to make people sad so excited ...
Tonight is filled with beautiful colors that decorate the corners of the city always
It's a beautiful night filled with cahya are always illuminating corners of the city
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